ISSUE 4-2003
Александр Куранов
Ярослав Шимов Андрей Белоусов
А. Артем Улунян Сергей Романенко Игорь Некрасов
Виктор Коган-Ясный
Ярослав Шимов

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When the journal Russkii vopros emerged on computer screens in 2001, in the address to readers it was written that it would be better, for Russia and the whole world, if it were titled the Russian answer rather than Russian question. Members of the first editorial board could hardly imagine that a relatively new Russian President Vladimir Putin, who had come into power one year before, would be able to almost fulfill their bon mot then.

During repeated Putin´s presidency Russia indeed gave an answer, to itself and the surrounding world, to the question where it wanted to see itself. However, we can dislike its choice it is necessary to respect the reality. It seems that the majority of Russian people are not concerned about a current state of public affairs. We can even say that a lot of them feel comfortable in today’s Russia, although, a gradual loss of illusions and rising fatigue of sovereign democracy is evident.

Majority of peoples living in neighbouring or more distant countries do not share with Russians their feeling. They observe with a growing apprehension Russian search for a place in the sun and Russia does only little to disprove their suspicions.

Therefore the title, although, we have changed our face, has not been altered and the journal has preserved its original name. Looking for answer for Russian question, however, will be extended. The journal will be more devoted to the situation in countries like Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia or Ukraine and to their relations with powerful neighbour. Certainly, Russia itself will not disappear from our field of vision, we will continue in the research of various aspects of the development of Russian society.

This issue largely devoted to the condition of Russian historiography indicates that analyzed spectrum will be as large as possible. Other topic of the new issue confirms our second ambition to map relations between Russia and its neighbours as well as the situation in the states covering the territory of the former U.S.S.R. The review published in the issue demonstrates that sometimes it is possible to join both topics. Interview and articles discussing current tendencies in Russian historiography show us that through analysis of historiography we can receive some answers to the question where Putin´s Russia is heading.


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